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About us

Libriproibiti - "Bookbinder and Publisher" was born with the aim of bringing the forgotten or "prohibited" books of the world heritage back to their former glory, so that they are accessible to everyone.

Our books are all rigorously handmade with the techniques used in the 16th and 17th centuries. We mainly produce two types of texts:

  • Libriproibiti editions - ancient books completely rewritten and layout remade with the style of the time, and often enriched with images they weren't present in the original edition;
  • Libriproibiti anastatic editions - are the books whose PDF print file has been completely or partially cleaned of impurities where possible to allow reading;
  • Pseudobiblium and fantasy editions Libriproibiti - these are the editions written and laid out completely by Libriproibiti with the aim of bringing fantasy works into reality, such as the Nine Doors of the Kingdom of Shadows, the Delomelanicon, the Necronomicon and the De Vermis Mysteriis;

During 2020, the independent editorial brand "From Hell" will be introduced for the publication of non-fiction and contemporary fiction for the big distribution.

For any questions, you can write using the contact form.

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