The Mystery and Lore of Monsters, by J.C.S. Thompson, London, 1930
The Hortus Sanitatis is the first natural history encyclopaedia, published by Jacob Meydenbach in 1491, but this is the edition published in Strasburg, 1536.
Integral REPLICA BESTIARY MEDIEVAL (Serpentum et Draconi) Ulysse Aldrovandi, edition of 1640, complete with all the illustrations.
Integral REPLICA of Monstrorum Historia Memorabilis by Joanne schenckii, printed in Frankfurt in 1609, complete with all the illustrations. Text (LATIN) and engravings as the original. Many pages have been reconstructed where lack.
Histoires Prodigieuses extraictes de plusieurs fameux autheurs – Paris, 1561
Clavicula Solomonis de Secretis – Manuscript REPLICA (XVII century) handmade
The Occult Philosophy of Agrippa von Nettesheim, fully translated into Italian and English.
Nine Gates of the Kingdom Shadows, Aristide Torchia, Venice 1666. Royal size – Text: “Paradise Lost” by John Milton
This is the most cursed book in history.
Necronomicon: The mysterious and blasphemous manuscript of the mad Arab Abdul Al Hazred, born from the mind of H.P. Lovecraft. UNIQUE OFFER: FROM 389 TO 299 EUROS – ONLY ONE COPY AT THIS PRICE!