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Our production of Necronomicon is renowned and known all over the world for the quality and details, obtained thanks to the rigorously handmade work, piece by piece that makes them truly unique works. The ones you find in this section are the Necronomicon currently available, created for all lovers of the great master Howard Phillips Lovecraft.

Here's an article on the Necronomicon written by Massimo Mayde

Note: Starting from May 2023, the new layout of the Necronomicon has been introduced! You can find the new version here: NECRONOMICON NEW VERSION 2023. However, if you prefer the old version of the book, please contact us before placing your order!

  • Necronomicon "Renaissance"
    This version is designed to please who loves books with a medieval / Renaissance style cover. [Complete Description].
  • Necronomicon "Horror" - Version with cover double layer leather, sutures and ... a human eye staring at you from the cover. Large format (21x30 cm). [Complete Description].
  • Necronomicon "Zombie" - Very similar to the "Horror" version, but there is no human eye on the cover:; change the type and color of the covering leather, here a lighter color. Large format (25x17 cm). [Complete Description].
  • Necronomicon Ex Mortis "Interactive book"Interactive version of the Necronomicon is a real enigma. It contains correspondences, maps, letters and envelopes, keys and ... a mystery to solve. [Complete Description].
  • Necronomicon "Pulled Face"  - Version very similar to the "Horror" one, but available without sutures in size: 21x15 cm[Complete Description]
  • Necronomicon "Role-Playing Game" - Economy version, bound in genuine leather. Aimed at those who role play. Size: 21x15 cm. ATTENTION: Text and images are different from all the other versions above. See the photoss -> [Complete Description].

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