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Materials used

The materials used are carefully selected to ensure the creation of high-quality books for collectors. Over the years, we have often changed the types of leather, processing techniques, and paper to always find the right balance between quality and price. For those who want to go above and beyond, there's the excellence offered by the DELUXE and GRUNGE series.

Below is a selection of the materials used:

LEATHER: The leather used, of high quality, is produced in Italy and handcrafted according to the strict European standards of compliance and eco-sustainability by: La Garzarara.

ECONOMIC LEATHER: Leather used for the ECONOMY versions of our books. They have nothing to envy to the other types of leather, but unlike the first ones, they are less expensive due to the different processes they undergo.

PAPER: The paper used comes directly from the FAVINI factories ("Rismacqua" paper, 90 and 100 grams), the best paper mills we have in Italy.

These are the main materials used, which may vary in their 'configuration' depending on the type of book you find in our catalog