Monas Hieroglyphica, by dr. John Dee – edition year 1691 in latin with english translation
Replica of the most beautiful book ever from the XV° century.
The Mutus Liber (or Mute book) is one of the most singular works of the history.
An important alchemical book, about the transmutation, written by Giovan Battista Nazari, edition of 1572. This is a famous alchemy treatise focused on metallic transmutation, through an initiatory journey divided into “dreams” or visions […]
Replica of Atalanta Fugiens, Emblemata nova de secretis naturae Chymica, by the german doctor Michael Maier (1566-1622), with 50 philosophic topics, 50 engraves and 50 musical “canone”. The subject of the opera is the alchemy
Magia Naturalis et Innaturalis, by Doctor Johannes Faust, German edition, 1849
The Mystery and Lore of Apparitions, by C.J.S. Thompson, REPLICA published in New York, 1930
Here the Nine Gates of the Kingdom Shadows, produced by Libriproibiti.
The Occult Philosophy of Agrippa von Nettesheim, fully translated into Italian and English.
Famous treatise on Vampires and creatures like they, by Montague Summers, celebrated author of occult essays between the end and the first half of 900.
Encyclopedia of Occult Sciences – Replica of edition published in 1939