Dell’Origine del Vampiro e altre creature della notte – di Massimo Mayde e Dom Calmet
Malleus Maleficarum, published in 1494 and De Lamiis, published in 1489, by Ulrich Molitor.
The Occult Philosophy of Agrippa von Nettesheim, fully translated into Italian and English.
The powerful work of Arthur Edward Waite, occultist who lived between 800 and 900, in the era of the utmost fervor about the paranormal research.
An essay about the premature burial
“Thought-Forms” by Annie Besant and C.W. Leadbeater: Exploring the Power of Thought and Its Impact on the World
COMPENDIUM MALEFICARUM – Francesco Maria Guaccio (1608) Handmade. Translated in English (London 1929)
“Vernünftige und Christliche Gedancken über die Vampirs oder blutsaugende Todten” The famous book on Vampires (Edition 1733) by Johann Christoph Harenberg in German, with parts in Latin.
The Mystery and Lore of Apparitions, by C.J.S. Thompson, REPLICA published in New York, 1930
The coming of the Fairies, Sir Arthur Conan Doyle, 1921 – Handmade book
Phenomena of Materialisation a contribution to the investigation of mediumistic teleplastics – London 1923
Munich Manual of Demonic Magic – Liber Incantationum
Monas Hieroglyphica, by dr. John Dee – edition year 1691 in latin with english translation
The Occult Philosophy of Agrippa von Nettesheim, ITALIAN text
Dracula by Bram Stoker, the second book in our production with illustrations generated by Artificial Intelligence
The Mystery and Lore of Monsters, by J.C.S. Thompson, London, 1930
Histoires Prodigieuses extraictes de plusieurs fameux autheurs – Paris, 1561
Discolsing the oriental origin of the belief in a Devil and future endless punishment; also, an explanation of the pagan origin of the scriptural terms, bottomless pit, lake of fire and brimstone, chains of darkness casting out Devils.
The Hortus Sanitatis is the first natural history encyclopaedia, published by Jacob Meydenbach in 1491, but this is the edition published in Strasburg, 1536.
Philosophia Moysaica, Robert Fludd, REPLICA edition 1638
ARBATEL – De Magia Veterum – Replica manuscript, year 1575 (Basel)
The Mysteries and Secrets of Magic, by: C.J.S. Thompson, reference copy published in Philadelphia, 1928
Galdrabok Rauoskinna – Grimoire of Black Magic (about XVII century)
Clavicula Solomonis de Secretis – Manuscript REPLICA (XVII century) handmade
A demonic book. A complete treatise on the devil’s history, on the evocation of the demons and angels. Seals of the Demons, Exorcisms, spells and chronicles of demonic possessions. A complete essay that contains five books in one
REPLICA of the famous Pope Honorius grimoire, or “Enchiridion – Grimorium Honorii Magni”, edition 1629.
Lemegeton Clavicula Salomonis, the grimoire of magic par excellence.
Magia Naturalis et Innaturalis, by Doctor Johannes Faust, German edition, 1849
Here the Nine Gates of the Kingdom Shadows, produced by Libriproibiti.
Famous treatise on Vampires and creatures like they, by Montague Summers, celebrated author of occult essays between the end and the first half of 900.
Encyclopedia of Occult Sciences – Replica of edition published in 1939