Lemegeton Clavicula Salomonis, the grimoire of magic par excellence.
The powerful work of Arthur Edward Waite, occultist who lived between 800 and 900, in the era of the utmost fervor about the paranormal research.
This book is a very rare Compendium of all the magical arts classified by the most famous masters of this art.
Replica of “The Magus”, first edition, by Francis Barret. A book very rare, especially for its contents: from Jewish Kabbalah to alchemy, from philosophy to the evocation of angels and demons, magic ceremonial and teurgia.
Encyclopedia of Occult Sciences – Replica of edition published in 1939
The Ghost Stories book by Lord Halifax
Traité de Vampirologie – Abraham Van Helsing (Adouard Brasey) – 2009
Dell’Origine del Vampiro e altre creature della notte – Massimo Mayde | Dom Calmet
Replica of the famous book of Dom Calmet, the most famous and vampirologist and demonologist lived in the XVIII° century.
“Vernünftige und Christliche Gedancken über die Vampirs oder blutsaugende Todten” The famous book on Vampires (Edition 1733) by Johann Christoph Harenberg in German, with parts in Latin.
Dissertazioni sui Vampiri – by Giuseppe Davanzati, Naples, 1789 – REPLICA
De la Demonomania de gli Stregoni is an important occult text written by Jean Bodin in the sixteenth century, put on the Index of forbidden books since 1590 until the end of 1800. I propose this book in its entirety, completely bound by hand.
Famous treatise on witchcraft and demonology, by Montague Summers, celebrated author of occult essays between the end and the first half of 900.
The Supernatural? – by Lionel A. Weatherly – Bristol, 1891
REPLICA of de Pseudomonarchia Daemonum, edition of 1583 by John Weier (or Joannis Vieri) in Latin language. Book completely handmade.
Substantial treatise on witchcraft, the demon’s apparitions in the sabba of the witches, on diabolical spells and demonic pact. One of the most famous and important treatises of the ‘700 on the occult and superstition.
The Mutus Liber (or Mute book) is one of the most singular works of the history.
The book of the Damned, by Charles Fort, New York 1919
The secret of the Invisible World disclos’d – Universal history of Apparitions, sacred and prophane under all denominations.
Replica of the most beautiful book ever from the XV° century.
An essay on spiritism, origins, history, theology and philosophy on this argument, by Reverend Mattison, published in New York in 1855.
An important alchemical book, about the transmutation, written by Giovan Battista Nazari, edition of 1572. This is a famous alchemy treatise focused on metallic transmutation, through an initiatory journey divided into “dreams” or visions […]
Replica of Atalanta Fugiens, Emblemata nova de secretis naturae Chymica, by the german doctor Michael Maier (1566-1622), with 50 philosophic topics, 50 engraves and 50 musical “canone”. The subject of the opera is the alchemy
Replica of the most famous book on Vampires, italian edition, completly rewritten by Libriproibiti. Layout with pictures not included in the original venetian edition by the typographer Simone Occhi, 1756.
Famous treatise on Vampires and creatures like they, by Montague Summers, celebrated author of occult essays between the end and the first half of 900.
REPLICA of DEMONIALITY, or INCUBI and SUCCUBI a Treatise wherein is shown that there are in existence on eatrh rational creatures besides man, endowed like him with a body and soul, that are born and die like him, redeemed by our Lord Jesus-Christ[…]
The famous Dictionnaire Infernal by Collin De Plancy, first illustrated edition of 1863. Text entirely in French.
Malleus Maleficarum, published in 1494 and De Lamiis, published in 1489, by Ulrich Molitor.
Handmade anastatic replica of “Dissertazione in cui si investiga quali sieno le operazioni che dipendono dalle Magie Artificiale e Naturale”, by Costantino Grimaldi, in Rome, 1751.
Integral REPLICA BESTIARY MEDIEVAL (Serpentum et Draconi) Ulysse Aldrovandi, edition of 1640, complete with all the illustrations.
Magia Naturalis et Innaturalis, by Doctor Johannes Faust, German edition, 1849
The Mystery and Lore of Apparitions, by C.J.S. Thompson, REPLICA published in New York, 1930
Here the Nine Gates of the Kingdom Shadows, produced by Libriproibiti.
The Occult Philosophy of Agrippa von Nettesheim, fully translated into Italian and English.